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Delicious variety - our Luxury Muffins

Our Luxury Muffins

    impress with the usual

hight quality!

High quality ingredients make up for the delicious taste of our muffins.

Free from palm oil, hydrogenated oils & no colors and no perservatives.

With Natural flavors and cage-free eggs

Luxury Muffins brochure

pdf download

Are you looking for something special? We will meet your wishes!

1. Weight

Between 90 and 110 g

2. Cup

Luxury cup

Individual design upon request

3. Batter

Various flavours available

2-batters-in-1 can be combined

4. Filling


Various backing-stable creams

Depending on size: 1/3/5-point fillings upon request

5. Glaze

Various flavours

6. Decorations

Crumble - Fruits - Nuts - Chunks - Chocolate blossoms...

What else are you looking for?

7. Packaging

Bulk - Tray - Private Label- Mixed boxes or customised carton sizes upon request

Selection from our muffin range

Vanilla Chocoloate Twister MuffinVanilla Chocolate Twister Muffin
Luxury cup
Art.-Nr.: 50214
90 g363.240 g80
Blueberry Crumble filled MuffinBlueberry Crumble filled Muffin
Luxury cup
Art.-Nr.: 50218
100 g363.600 g80
Double Choc Crunch filled MuffinDouble Choc Crunch Muffin
Luxury cup
Art.-Nr.: 50299
100 g363.600 g80
Cheesecake Chocolate MuffinCheesecake Chocolate Muffin
Luxury cup
Art.-Nr.: 50219
110 g363.960 g80

Please contact us for more information